October 5, 2008

Visit - Natalie & Bryan

We had a great time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Brooksby tonight. They are always so cheerful and pleasant to be around. We always feel the spirit so strong in their home with them. We had a great time talking to them about conference and the things we had learned. They have such strong testimonies and always choose the right. We talked about our plans are for our trip to Argentina and the people, the culture, the food and even the bus rides. Grandma said that she used to take the bus to Kanab to Salt Lake several times and that they took about 5-8 hours. She had even taken a bus from Mesa to Kanab too. She said she didn't mind it too bad. The buses were a little crazier in Venezuela were Natalie served. (Buses I took on my mission, there were people traveling with dead chickens in their hands for their dinner.) The buses in Argentina won't be so crazy, says Bryan. Grandpa also talked about how he had to travel from place to place for work. Looking back he said that the business travels made him feel important at work but that now he realizes he would have preferred to be home with his family.
Well we just think the World of our wonderful rich Heritage. Carl and VerDon Brooksby have done a great service by teaching their kids the truth. We feel it is such a GREAT BLESSING to be the fruits of your labors. We love you Grandma and Grandpa!!! Thanks for Loving us and always supporting us in our decisions of Life. Thanks for you donation too. The Lord will bless you for blessing others.

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