September 29, 2008

Visit - by Whitney

Grandma and Grandpa, we have so much fun hanging out with you! Rhett, Charlie, Kael and Taj love to play with all your very organized toys. Your games have been fun to play with, with my kids. Playing with balloons were one of the highlights for them. I love hearing your stories and reading your poems. Thanks for letting us come hang out and I think that it is so funny that you always try to feed us while we are there! Also thanks for all your love and support. We always feel love from you both!

September 28, 2008

Visit - by Linda

Saturday for Women’s Conference, G-ma, Whitney, Hillary and myself were at my house to watch. We like to meet here so we can pause the talks to eat, visit, or discuss something mentioned in one of the talks. It is always fun to have mom here with us and have a little time to ourselves. We find that there really isn’t much difference in our ages at times! Hillary brought some of her yummy fruit salsa – we all enjoyed it – even me, the non-adventurous eater!!! Thank you Dad for bringing Mom over! We love you too!

Visit - by Hillary

For women’s conference my mom had Grandma, Whitney, and I over to watch the broadcast. It has become a bit of a tradition to watch it together on the TV. We eat and have lots of fun together. It really felt like I was just hanging out with my girl friends. Whitney commented to me that Grandma doesn’t really have wrinkle on her face. I told her that hopefully we inherit Grandma’s good looks. Grandma wanted to know what we were talking about and so we filled her in. Grandma said that she used to have wrinkles but they’ve faded somehow, she said it was do to the fact that all of her kids had moved out and that’s when they faded! (Which we all know isn’t true because Grandma worries about everyone and as the family grows it just adds to her worries!) Grandma said that her mom would notice all of Grandma’s imperfections and try to fix them, but not in a mean way. Grandma’s mom would tell her to pinch the end of her nose all the time, “You have a ball on the end of your nose you need to pinch it so it will go down.” We all thought that was pretty funny! Grandma said “She just wanted me to be perfect and she knew I wasn’t.”
I had a lot of fun last night and I was glad that I got to spend time with my girl friends!

Update - by Hillary

Preston- New job is going great, he loves it. He’s working hard. And he started soccer again.
Hillary- Pregnancy is going good, definitly feeling pregnant. Has gotten good at cleaning the new house.
Kya- More fun everyday, she’s picking up on new words and new sign language too.