November 21, 2008

Visit - by Hillary

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa on their birthday, from what it sounds like... as did everyone else. We had a good chat with them and it was fun because we came while my mom and dad were there as well. Kya was being really fun the whole time we were there, dancing around and playing. Grandma was so nice, she had had so many visitors that she hadn't eaten her dinner yet, she was just fine to sit and chat rather than slow down to eat! I'm glad it was a good birthday!
Grandma told a story about her dad, Foote, and their "delicate" manners. She said that the lady that raised her mother came to visit. She was a very prim lady and wore a very tight corset which made her sit very straight and tall. Her figure evidently was important to her. Grandma said that when she stepped out of the car to meet Foote, one of the first things he said to her was, "You're not as big as Hazel said you were, you can too fit through that gate!" Then she went in to meet Foote's dad. Who was a big man and his gut hung out in the front. And when he met her he said, "Why, my belly sticks out in front just as much as your behind stick out in the back." Needless to say she was pretty offended by the comments. But by the end of the week she had learned not to take them too serious and she could dish it out to them just the same! Grandma said that is just how they were never thinking people would actually take them serious.
I really enjoy the stories that I hear at Grandma's. I don't want to forget the ones I've heard.

Update - by Hillary

Mostly everything is the same with Preston. He is still working hard and has been doing great with his work. He is glad to have Bryan back home because he loves his Saturday mornings, when they play Ultimate Frisbee, it didn't run too well with out Bryan.
Kya is just so much fun at this age. I have been enjoying my last moments with just her. She likes to go for walks with mommy (since I need to be doing it anyway). There is a horse and goat that live just three houses down from us that we visit almost everyday. And we always get to see the ducks at the wildlife preserve behind our house. She is an expert at throwing a fit, but I have gotten pretty good with dealing with them as well. She really understands everything we say and is still pretty obedient. Kya is still jabbering away, but more and more there are really words here and there. Kya LOVES candy! Halloween introduced her to getting candy at home not just at Grandma's house. We are letting the candy disappear from sight quickly, and only letting her have it at special times!
As for me, I've don't remember feeling this miserable when I was pregnant with Kya. Don't get me wrong it's not too bad, but I definitely want this boy out... the sooner the better! Like I said I've been trying to walk everyday or at least every other day. Hopefully that will help get things going sooner rather than later this time. We are enjoying our house and we are fitting in the ward more.

November 20, 2008

Updates - by Wing

Jacob - busy as usual. Glad that Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are coming soon!
Wing - learned how to Crochet from Pauli.
Amber - saying funny things all the time. Love to show Zach how she can dance!
Zach - rolled over the first time on November 19th!

Visit - by Wing

We had a wonderful time visiting grandpa and grandma while we were in Arizona. Craig brought over a box of puzzle and almost did half of it with grandma. Amber had fun with grandpa-great in the backyard. We heard her saying 'I'll show you' (and she was laughing very loud) the whole time she was out there. Jacob, Zach and I got to relax for a little while. We really miss seeing the whole family. Hope we can get to see you all more often someday!

November 18, 2008

Wonderful Birthday 164 years

Grandpa & Grandma just had the best birthday ever. We heard from nearly everyone in the family and lots of friends and neighbors too. We had over 40 cards at the end of the day. Visits started at 7 AM and the last ones left at 9PM. Phone calls lasted until 10PM. What a wonderful day.
Together if we had put candles on a cake there would have been 164 and we would have probably set the house on fire.
We celebrated with Jacob, Wing & kids and Craig on Friday before Jacob's family went back to Folsom and Craig to New Orleans.
We felt very fortunate to have all this love showered upon us. We love you all.

Update - by Josie

There isn't a whole lot of news out here in Queen Creek. Our family is doing well. Everyone is is busy going one way or another. Now that it won't cost a fortune in gas to come in to Mesa, maybe we'll be able to come in and visit more often.
'Cause as you know we really hate making that LONG drive to Grandma and Grandpa's house (ha ha!) Anyway we'd love to see everyone more often and look forward to our next get together.

November 17, 2008

Update - by Whitney

Rhett- he is doing good in school and learning so super fast! He loves to set up bike races in our back yard with all the neighborhood kids, this was what he had me spell for the invitation- Guess what I'm having a bike race tomorrow after school at my race track see you I'm the coach!
Charlie- she is really helpful, and sweet. At school and church her teachers are always telling me that she is one of their favorites! Her laugh is super contagious and it even makes her laugh more. She did a good job singing in the primary program!
Kael- he has been playing and riding his bike and swinging and doing anything outside. His humor is hilarious, he doesn't even try to be funny, he is at a really cute age!
Taj- he is super clingy to me (first one of all my kids that likes me more!(for right now anyway)) and he is standing up to everything and falling a lot!
Micah and Whitney- just hanging out with our super fun kids and together!

Update - by Emily

Geoff is happy to almost be done with this semester - he has 6 more months of school, and then the last year is his internship. After 7 years in school, that doesn't seem too bad! Basically, that's life for Geoff - school, sometimes work, sometimes sleep, sometimes eat. That's it. Sorry, I wish it was more exciting!
Jackson is doing well in school. Last week at parent/teacher conference they said that Jackson is doing math at a 3rd grade level (he's in 1st grade) - and that's only because they haven't given him harder than 3rd grade. He is constantly trying to figure out numbers, and really likes that kind of thing. Maybe an accountant in the future?! He is such a good kid, and never gives his teachers any problems.
Natalie just started a real preschool. We hadn't put her in anything because it is too much money, but then a friend in our ward just told us about an opening at the preschool she takes her daughter to that is very reasonable. Natalie really likes it, and has become good friends with this little girl in the ward who goes too. All of the adults at church say they want to take Natalie home with them because she is so loving to them. She hugs everyone she recognizes even... and some she doesn't.
Staci is such a funny girl! She is going through the stage where she calls everyone with grey or white hair either "grandma" or "grandpa". It usually makes their days when she gets excited and says, "Hi Brampa" to a total stranger. She is getting to be more like a little girl rather than a baby.
As for me, Emily, I am helping plan and pull off the ward Christmas party. This is right up my alley, so it is fun for me. I am doing quite a bit better with my ear pain since going to this TMJ specialist in Salt Lake, and am trying to keep my chin up about the migraine stuff. Anyway, that's about it. Just trying not to go crazy is a full-time job for me. I am looking forward to seeing my parents for a couple of days when they come next month to help John and Anna move back down to Mesa. I sure miss everyone down there!! Love you both, Grandma and Grandpa, and hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!!

November 15, 2008

Update - Kent & Jan

Kent and Jan are back in the groove of life in Pinetop. It has been cold at night and beautiful in the daytime. We just work and then look at each other at night. We have enjoyed visiting with everyone the last couple of weeks, and we are looking forward to our trip to Utah and Idaho coming up in a few weeks. We will be moving John and Anna and the boys back to Mesa! They will be there December 14, and anyone who wants to help unload the truck will be so-o-o-o welcome.
We have had Melissa and Brad and the kids here this weekend, and life has been pretty exciting - especially the duck feeding and taking the kids to the McDonalds playground. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

November 2, 2008

Update - by Melanie

As far as updates, Will and I are just busy busy busy!! We really need a vacation, and we are looking forward to our honeymoon in Tahoe VERY much!! :o)

Visit - by Melanie

I've attached some pictures from last weekend (Sunday October 26th) when Grandma and Grandpa came to my parents house. Will and I drove over to my parent's house earlier in the day to get our wedding favors put together before Grandma, Grandpa, Ben, and Jacob got there (Jacob was in town for the weekend for work). We wanted to get as many done as we could before everyone got there, so we could relax and visit with everyone. Ben, Grandma, and Grandpa arrived while we were working, and Grandma and Grandpa sat right down and said, "What can we do to help?" We told them we were done for the day, and we were putting everything away, but they insisted on helping! They joined our assembly line, and because of their help, we got the bags all done! We got WAY more work done than we were originally planning on! It was really fun sitting and visiting with Grandma and Grandpa while we put the bags together. Grandma and Grandpa kinda teased me a little about even having wedding favors, but I'm so grateful for their help! After we finished, we had dinner, then played a few rounds of the card game "Butt." Grandma and Grandpa are such good sports, even when landing the the "butt" position a few times! I love spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, and I'm so grateful to have them in my life! :o)