November 17, 2008

Update - by Whitney

Rhett- he is doing good in school and learning so super fast! He loves to set up bike races in our back yard with all the neighborhood kids, this was what he had me spell for the invitation- Guess what I'm having a bike race tomorrow after school at my race track see you I'm the coach!
Charlie- she is really helpful, and sweet. At school and church her teachers are always telling me that she is one of their favorites! Her laugh is super contagious and it even makes her laugh more. She did a good job singing in the primary program!
Kael- he has been playing and riding his bike and swinging and doing anything outside. His humor is hilarious, he doesn't even try to be funny, he is at a really cute age!
Taj- he is super clingy to me (first one of all my kids that likes me more!(for right now anyway)) and he is standing up to everything and falling a lot!
Micah and Whitney- just hanging out with our super fun kids and together!

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