November 17, 2008

Update - by Emily

Geoff is happy to almost be done with this semester - he has 6 more months of school, and then the last year is his internship. After 7 years in school, that doesn't seem too bad! Basically, that's life for Geoff - school, sometimes work, sometimes sleep, sometimes eat. That's it. Sorry, I wish it was more exciting!
Jackson is doing well in school. Last week at parent/teacher conference they said that Jackson is doing math at a 3rd grade level (he's in 1st grade) - and that's only because they haven't given him harder than 3rd grade. He is constantly trying to figure out numbers, and really likes that kind of thing. Maybe an accountant in the future?! He is such a good kid, and never gives his teachers any problems.
Natalie just started a real preschool. We hadn't put her in anything because it is too much money, but then a friend in our ward just told us about an opening at the preschool she takes her daughter to that is very reasonable. Natalie really likes it, and has become good friends with this little girl in the ward who goes too. All of the adults at church say they want to take Natalie home with them because she is so loving to them. She hugs everyone she recognizes even... and some she doesn't.
Staci is such a funny girl! She is going through the stage where she calls everyone with grey or white hair either "grandma" or "grandpa". It usually makes their days when she gets excited and says, "Hi Brampa" to a total stranger. She is getting to be more like a little girl rather than a baby.
As for me, Emily, I am helping plan and pull off the ward Christmas party. This is right up my alley, so it is fun for me. I am doing quite a bit better with my ear pain since going to this TMJ specialist in Salt Lake, and am trying to keep my chin up about the migraine stuff. Anyway, that's about it. Just trying not to go crazy is a full-time job for me. I am looking forward to seeing my parents for a couple of days when they come next month to help John and Anna move back down to Mesa. I sure miss everyone down there!! Love you both, Grandma and Grandpa, and hope you have a Wonderful Birthday!!

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