October 10, 2008

Update - by Hillary

Preston - Is still working hard and doing very well. He has been really helping the company by coming up with great ideas and signing up new companies.

Hillary - I only have 2 more months! Yha whoo! I feel pretty good most of the time my hips and back get to hurting pretty bad some days though. I got put into Sunbeams. I "team teach" which allows me to be in Primary every other week, and on the off weeks I get to go to Sunday School and RS.

Kya - Is starting to sing songs a lot! Her new one is “Twinkle Twinkle”, she sings it like this, “Kinkle kinkle ee ee car…” She kind of trails off but she still bobs her head to the rest of the tune and tries to sing with you! Some words are more clear than others, it’s super cute! She loves to color, she likes me to color with her and usually likes me to draw a duck for her. When I get done drawing it she’ll put the crayon in front of my face and says, “Duck, duck!” until I draw another one for her. She’s at that stage that fits are the thing to do! When she throws one (which is a lot) she usually hurts herself mostly on purpose, i.e. she’ll bang her head on the wood floor, or will hit herself in the face. It’s very pleasant, but we’re getting through them ok.

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