January 8, 2009

Visit - by Hillary

I'm catching up my visit that I had with Grandma and Grandpa. I did my normal Wendy's stop and took it over. Kya fell asleep in the car on the way over but didn't stay asleep when we got there. She was ready to have fun at great g-ma's and g-pa's house! It was fun because Kya was talking a lot, and showing off how many words she is using now. She played with all the toys upstairs for a while and then found out that she could get all of Grandpa's attention by having him read books. Then once she had his undivided attention she lured him downstairs where they played for a long time. I think she made him discover every part of the basement and pull out every toy! From the upstairs where Grandma and I were visiting it sounded like she was having a TON of fun! Baden like always was a very good boy, which allowed Grandma to hold him most of the time we were there. She said that she has to hold them while he's still small because when he gets bigger she won't be able to. I think it was a treat for both Grandma and Baden. It was a great day and I was able to spend most of the afternoon with them, mostly talking to Grandma, (cuz Grandpa was preoccupied by someone!) Before we left Melissa came over. Kya didn't want to leave once Melissa's kids got there, which gave me an excuse to stay even longer. We love our visits!

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